
My name is Tiffany. I am 23 years old, born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia, USA. I am half-Filipino and a first generation immigrant. I work in both traditional and digital mediums to create both graphic designs and illustrations.

I like to make beautiful design.

Under the graphic design curriculum at Cabrini University, I learned in-depth about the elements and principles of design, typography, layout, image-making, file formatting for both print and the web, and HTML/CSS to effectively turn design ideas into something real.

Design is, to me, a way of making things worthwhile to look at and engage with. An effective design has the power to make the mundane more meaningful, the plain more ornate, the confusing more intuitive.

Effective design creates greater sensuality in what we consume—whether that be a food product's packaging that will be in the recycling bin by tonight, or a news source heavy with facts and information that is subject to change by tomorrow.

My interests outside of art and design include animals, fashion, beauty and wellness, baking, nature and the environment, literature, spirituality, and cartoons and animation.

If you would like to get in touch with me for work, or have any questions, feel free to contact me via any of the mediums found on my contact page. Blessings!